【合·戏韵-梦浮生】 盖娅传说2020SS【合】 2020 SS FASHION WEEK·PARIS

凡音之起,由人心生也。人心之动,物使之然也。 感于物而动,故行于声。离形取意,无画处皆成妙境。 水袖丹衣,醉人惊梦,娉婷娜袅,欲语还休…… 浓妆重彩的背后,是张什么样的脸; 细腻悠扬的词中,写的是谁的人生; 精致奢美的华服里,又缝着怎样的故事……

Every sound originates from the human heart. The movement of the human heart is naturally influenced by things. Feeling things move, therefore walking through sound. Taking meaning out of form, every place without painting becomes a wonderful realm. Sleeved Dan clothes, intoxicating and shocking, graceful and graceful, eager to speak and rest What kind of face is behind the heavy makeup and color; Whose life is written in delicate and melodious words; What kind of story is sewn into the exquisite and luxurious attire

2016年10月5日,中国高端时尚品牌Heaven Gaia 盖娅传说 2017 春夏高级成衣发布会震撼亮相巴黎时装周。随着浓墨重彩的历史影像徐徐展开,一场穿越之旅照亮了法国巴黎皇家歌剧院,也由此开启了一场震撼世界的中国顶级服饰文化的盛宴,惊艳四座。
On October 5, 2016, the Chinese high-end fashion brand Heaven Gaia Gaya Legend made a shocking debut at the 2017 Spring/Summer High end Ready to wear Conference at Paris Fashion Week. As the rich and colorful historical images unfolded, a journey of travel illuminated the Royal Opera House in Paris, France, and thus opened a feast of China's top clothing culture that shook the world, stunning all four.

巴黎时间2019年9月30日15:00点,中国高级女装品牌“盖娅传说•熊英(HEAVEN GAIA)”在巴黎艺术名殿小皇宫,成功举办“合—戏韵·梦浮生”2020春夏系列发布会。这是“盖娅传说•熊英(HEAVEN GAIA)”第四度在巴黎女装周官方日程进行品牌发布。作为“啟、承、轉、合”创意主题系列的收官之作。更是吸引了(嘉宾:联合国教科文组织代表,法国文化部代表,中国驻法大使馆代表,法国国会议员,巴黎驻中国文化中心代表)等国际重磅嘉宾的参与和瞩目。
On September 30, 2019 at 15:00 Paris time, the Chinese high-end women's clothing brand "HEAVEN GAIA" successfully held the "Harmony Drama · Dream Floating Life" 2020 Spring/Summer series press conference at the Little Palace in Paris. This is the fourth time that "HEAVEN GAIA" has launched its brand on the official schedule of Paris Women's Wear Week. As the closing work of the creative theme series of "opening, inheriting, transforming, and combining". It has also attracted the participation and attention of international heavyweight guests such as UNESCO representatives, representatives of the French Ministry of Culture, representatives of the Chinese Embassy in France, French parliamentarians, and representatives of Paris to the Chinese Cultural Center.